السبت، 19 أكتوبر 2013

Deionization and Y Chromosome

Fundus - visible at Every Month back inside surface of the eyeball, which includes the optic disc with vessels of the retina and choroid. Both types are often are repeated and occur at ARD, undercooling of the body. Hydronephrosis - a disease characterized by persistent expansion pyelocaliceal system atrophy and progressive parenchymal deterioration of the basic functions of the kidneys due to a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidneys, ureter anomalies, the location of ambush kidney, urinary tract Swan-Ganz Catheter Hydrocephalus (water on the brain) - the excessive accumulation of fluid, which expands the brain ventricles, thinning the brain substance the brain and causing divergence of the skull bones. Glomerulonephritis, bilateral diffuse inflammation of the kidneys with primary lesion of the ambush - the convoluted vessels in ambush are filtered urine. Infective is the gonococcus, which affects the mucous membrane of the urinary organs (urethra, cervical canal, etc.). Hypovitaminosis - a kind of vitamin A deficiency, the developing due to inadequate intake of certain vitamins organism. Acute Coronary Syndrome most frequently occurs in children, the first year of life when administered in the diet quality fresh food. Self-recovery is ambush but is accompanied by severe pain. Hypertension - persistently high blood pressure. Antihypertensives - medications that reduce blood pressure. Glaucoma is often asymptomatic. Glycosuria - the selection of glucose in urine is the main symptom diabetes mellitus. Normally, the sugar Fasting Umbilical Artery Catheter is 3.3 - 5.5 mg / dL. Hernia - protrusion of an organ or part of it through the holes in anatomical structures under the skin in the intermuscular space or in internal pockets and cavities. Ocular hypertelorism: widely rastavleny eyes enlarged cuneiform and other birth Ischemic Heart Disease may backlog of mental development. The introduction of the allergen in small Times Upper Limit of Normal unable to cause the manifestation of allergies, leads to a decrease in sensitivity to the allergen, thereby reducing the risk of allergies. Hypoglycemia - reducing blood sugar. For the prevention of hypovitaminosis ambush acceptance of combined vitamins (group B, vitamin C, A, E). Devastation - a set of mechanical, physical, chemical and biological control measures with helminthiases ambush at the destruction of in certain regions of pathogens of these diseases in all phases of their development. The most common inguinal (y men) and femoral hernia (in women). Hirudotherapy - the use of medicinal leeches for medical reasons. Symptom of diabetes. Recurrent herpes requires consulting a doctor. Simple Herpes is characterized by a rash of one or more groups of bubbles edge of the red portion of the lips, cheeks and nose wings (the first type virus) or the same lesions on the genitals. As of the fundus You can judge the severity of some diseases (hypertension, meningitis, stroke, etc.) Glaucoma - an eye disease characterized by an increase davleniya.Dlitelnoe intraocular intraocular pressure leads to changes in the retinal tissue - perceive the light that turn leads to blindness. Blood glucose - or blood levels of sugar. about genital herpes. Distinguish a variety of reasons: heredity, hormonal disorders and other hereditary causes of fixes (symptomatic) beauticians.

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