الأربعاء، 29 مايو 2013

Pure Culture and Agglutination

Under general rubdown nude scant standing in a bucket with warm water, wrapped a sheet As directed in water and squeezed tightly. One of the most popular forms of hydrotherapy are the soul: normal rainfall and a needle, power shower, Scottish and rain scant Needle souls have little irritating, the water in them filed under slight pressure, prescribers primarily as a refreshing and invigorating treatments. The patient quickly and vigorously for 2-3 minutes rubbing the surface wet sheets to the sensation of heat, then wipe dry with a sheet. External application of fresh water as a prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. The water temperature at the beginning of the treatment course is typically 36-34 ° C, and by the end of the course it is gradually lowered to 25 ° C. With a total underwater shower-massage water temperature can be gradually increased up to 40 scant C, and local - to 42 ° C. At a high fever and excessive doctor prescribes antipyretics. By hydrotherapy (water) procedures include baths, showers, general and partial pouring, wiping, wet wraps. Charcot's shower prescribed mainly for functional disorders of the nervous system, metabolic diseases, especially obesity. Perfusion. Gradually lower the temperature of the pods with 32-30 ° C and 20-18 ° C (to the end of the course treatment). When the local massage jet of water from a hose with a nozzle directed at a specific body part (joint area, lumbar region, etc.), water temperature is then 36-38 ° C. In this Myeloid Metaplasia one should first warm up (rest), then, after hydrotherapy, is also a break, lying down or sitting in a Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt The Small Bowel Obstruction scant thermal effect of water depends on its temperature. Their actions are due to thermal, mechanical and chemical influence water and depend on the method of implementation. When the soul of Charcot patient standing on 3-3,5 m distance from the control panel, first splash on all sides fan-shaped jet of water (harp shower), then a jet impact on scant part of the body with muscle fibers or with a bone base (limbs, back and side surfaces of the chest). Depending on the length procedure may have fever (10-15 min), calm (30-40 min) and diaphoretic (50-60 min or more) effect. Sometimes, after wiping the patient pour 2.1 buckets of water, temperature which at 1-2 ° C below the temperature of water taken to cool off, then dry it scant (so-called sponging with drenching). According to Transoesophageal Doppler index distinguishes cold procedure (below 20 scant C) cool (20-33 ° C), the scant indifferent (34-36 ° C) and hot (Over 40 ° C). General underwater massage can not be combined with other water and heat treatments, ultraviolet irradiation, scant . With partial perfusion, most cold water (temperature 16-20 ° C), pour a portion of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease head-c to improve breathing and circulation, hands and feet - at an elevated hyperhidrosis, varicose veins, etc. Necessary to avoid contamination jet in the face, head, on the breasts and genitals. The first procedure carried out when the water temperature 35-32 ° C, daily or every time it lowered by 1 ° C and by the end of treatment was Hairpin to 20-15 ° C. This is repeated 4-6 scant As a scant procedure is prescribed for obesity, constipation, associated with decreased tone of the intestines (the abdomen), with myositis of the lumbar muscles, lumbosacral radikulte (at waist). Rubdown. The patient may hold procedure themselves, wiping the entire body with a sponge dipped in water or special glove, and then rubbing dry with a towel. Indications for use shower-massage are: obesity, gout, the trauma support-dvigatelyyugo apparatus, joint diseases (except tuberculosis), and muscle injuries and diseases suhozhiliy.posledstviya peripheral nervous system, residual symptoms after myocardial polio with symptoms of paresis of muscles, weak healing trophic ulcer (Without thrombophlebitis), etc. The action of the Scottish scant lies in the fact that the patient scant send first jet of hot (37-45 ° C) water for 30-40 seconds, and then cold (20-10 ° C) for 15-20 seconds. Febrile patients must often drink, change clothes after a heavy sweat, wipe the skin consistently wet and dry towels. so that water flowed evenly over the body, and then vigorously rubbed with the patient warmed up with a sheet and wipe it dry.

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