الأربعاء، 24 أبريل 2013

Zinc vs Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2 Diabetes)

Decompensation used as a method of psychotherapeutic effects (explanatory psychotherapy, autogenic training, hypnosis, family therapy), so and medication. This saves some skills and behavioral patterns of adult rights, such as the manner smoking use cosmetics. Pseudodementia lasts 1-2 weeks to 2 months, usually to permit a forensic psychiatric situation. When expressed deviate successfully used "correctors of conduct" - neuleptil, sonapaks. Patient rushing, screaming, asking for help trying to escape, often to meet the impending danger. Play children's games, are capricious. Selection of drugs, doses and routes of administration led by an psychiatrist. Despite the danger, man, as it freezes, pineth away, can not make a motion to say a word. In individuals with predominantly emotional vibrations are successfully used antidepressants in expressed hysterical reactions - small doses of neuroleptics (chlorpromazine, triftazin) in the states of nastiness, aggressiveness - as neuroleptics (tizertsin, haloperidol). Conditions arising from exposure to factors of particular significance for the patient, or threatening his life and well-being. After emerging from psychosis patients poorly remembers transferred state. In clinical picture is usually reflected, or "sound", the content trauma. Can not perform basic tasks or allowing gross errors. Reactive stupor lasts from several minutes to several hours. Manifested in the form of excitation and inhibition. Reactive psychosis. In cases where the sequence is not negative entrys up to degree stupor, sick contacts available, but their speech is slow, monosyllabic constrained motion, a feeling of heaviness in the legs. The orientation of the place, time, and the surrounding faces impaired. Reaction with excitation can be expressed in nonsensical chaotic restlessness against the backdrop of a narrowed consciousness. Unlike conventional reactive stupor, when patients are in severe lethargy, sluggishness, stupor, in hysterical stupor there is a strong myshtstela voltage and resistance of the patient to any attempt to change his posture. Eating eggs with shells. The appearance of negative entrys psychosis, Motor Vehicle Accident nature and characteristics of symptoms depend on the strength and significance of trauma to the individual, as well as its constitutional features. For a period of decompensation defined temporary disability with hospital design leaf. Puerilizm - psychotic state with the children's behavior, usually complements pseudodementia. Arising in response to a stressful situation, they stop after her permission negative entrys disappearances. The patient in this confused, goggles. Heavy asthenic reactions require negative entrys of stimulants (sidnokarb) or natural products with a mild stimulating effect (ginseng, Chinese magnolia, zamaniha, Leuzea, Siberian ginseng, etc.).

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